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Mon - Sat 07:00 to 12:00 AM

Star Spangled Salute: World War II Veteran Has a Day To Remember

Star Spangled Salute: World War II Veteran Has a Day To Remember

Star Spangled Salute: World War II Veteran Has a Day To Remember






Today’s Star Spangled Salute honors World War II Army Veteran Carl May. Carl returned home from the Army, he started a life with his wife that blossomed into 13 children, 31 grandchildren, and 40 great grandchildren. They were married for 65 years before her passing. Still, Carl lives a self-sufficient life, drives every day, and works on crafting magnificent bowls in his cellar.  Carl just turned 100, and he decided to celebrate in a special way. “I flew B-26s for 32 missions and then I flew light airplanes out of Orly field in Paris,” he said. “I enjoyed it very much.” So, for his 100th birthday celebration , Carl climbed back in the pilot seat and took a flight around New Jersey, and the smile on his face said it all.  Happy Birthday Carl and THANK YOU for your service.





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