
On Air

Bobby Knight

Mon - Fri 03:00 PM to 08:00 PM

Star Spangled Salute: UPS Drivers Help A Veteran

Star Spangled Salute: UPS Drivers Help A Veteran

Star Spangled Salute: UPS Drivers Help A Veteran






Today’s Star Spangled Salute honors Vietnam Veteran David Wray and the UPS drivers who changed his life.  David is a 76-year-old Vietnam Veteran. Wray has lived in his home for almost fifty years. Recently, he had fallen down the steps. His wife, worried about his safety, reached out to the Ohio-based non-profit, Ramp It Up, for help. “The three things this is all about are freedom, independence, and accessibility,” CEO of Ramp it Up Greg Schneider said. “Some people don’t have that, but by having a wheelchair ramp you get that back. We provide them with that.” Schneider is not only the CEO of Ramp It Up, but he’s worked for UPS for forty years. The UPS Foundation funds charitable organizations like Ramp it Up throughout the country. The Wrays’ are the 208th nationwide to receive a ramp from the organization. “Man, I wasn’t expecting anything like this,” David said. “I was shocked when I saw all of them show up this morning.” Enjoy your new found freedom David and THANK YOU for your service.




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