Wichita mayor delivers State of the City address

Wichita mayor delivers State of the City address

Wichita mayor delivers State of the City address


Wichita Mayor Brandon Whipple delivered a progress report Thursday evening on the city’s efforts to boost the economy, improve public safety and provide opportunities for all of its citizens.  In his State of the City address, the mayor said the city is working with Wichita residents to build a vibrant community.

The mayor said the city has turned the corner on the COVID economy from 2020, and now has an unemployment rate of three percent.  He said the city has restored or created over 32,000 jobs and now has the most robust job market it has had in decades.    He said Wichita is leading the state in economic growth and is getting attention from companies around the world.  He talked about recent announcements from Bombardier, Novacoast and other companies in setting up their headquarters in Wichita.

Whipple said the city has the strongest non-discriminatory ordinance in the state and the city has an obligation not to leave anyone behind in providing economic opportunities. He said the city’s budget for this year has had more public input than ever before, and it is providing the services that people are asking for.   He said the budget is expanding social services and expanding police and fire operations, while holding the line on taxes.

The mayor said a report will be ready next month to provide new police chief Joe Sullivan with a road map to create a more effective strategy for community-centered policing.  He said the city has committed 45 million dollars over the next eight years for new fire stations, and firefighters have the best contract they’ve had in 100 years.   He said that contract has resulted in 400 applications for the fire department’s recruiting program.

Whipple also called attention to the city’s efforts to reduce homelessness, combat youth violence and respond to the fentanyl crisis in the community.


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