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Public meeting scheduled for K-96 improvements in Wichita

Public meeting scheduled for K-96 improvements in Wichita

Public meeting scheduled for K-96 improvements in Wichita


The Kansas Department of Transportation, the Federal Highway Administration and the City of Wichita will have a public meeting in February on a major improvement project for the K-96 corridor, from I-135 to I-35.

The meeting will be held from 5 to 7 p.m. on Thursday, February 2nd at the National Center for Aviation Training at 4004 North Webb Road.   The meeting will be held in Building 300, and it will be an open house format with a formal presentation that begins at 6 p.m.

The meeting will reveal design concepts for the improvement project.  Plans call for expanding the highway from four to six lanes, replacing pavement and improving seven interchanges at Hillside, Oliver, Woodlawn, Rock Road, Webb Road, Greenwich Road and East 21st Street North.   The project is expected to help ease congestion, with K-96 expected to carry up to 100,000 vehicles a day by the year 2050.

The design team is also looking at an environmental review to consider environmental, economic and social impacts of the project.    KDOT will be looking for public input on the project.  More information is available on the project website at www.K96improvements.com


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