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Daisy, the Popular Orangutan at the Sedgwick County Zoo has Passed Away

Daisy, the Popular Orangutan at the Sedgwick County Zoo has Passed Away

Daisy, the Popular Orangutan at the Sedgwick County Zoo has Passed Away


Daisy, the 41-year-old Sumatran orangutan at the Sedgwick County Zoo, has passed away.

Zoo officials said Daisy was found unresponsive Sunday morning. An emergency exam revealed kidney and heart failure.

The zoo’s medical team performed treatment, but Daisy’s condition did not improve. Monday morning, the decision was made to humanely euthanize her in order to prevent any further suffering.

Daisy came to Sedgwick County Zoo in 2009 and is survived by her two children, Kinali and Lily, who are both still living at SCZ.

Heart and Kidney Disease are each among the top three causes of death in the orangutan population. SCZ works with the Great Ape Heart Project; a group that works to better understand cardiac disease in hopes of reducing the number of cardiovascular-related deaths and improving the health and welfare of great apes in human care.

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