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Gov. Kelly Announces More Than $40M for 33 Bridge Projects Across Kansas

Gov. Kelly Announces More Than $40M for 33 Bridge Projects Across Kansas

Gov. Kelly Announces More Than $40M for 33 Bridge Projects Across Kansas


Governor Laura Kelly and Kansas Transportation Secretary Julie Lorenz announced that $40.5 million will go toward 33 local and off-system bridge projects across the state. This  comes as part of two local bridge improvement programs reshaped to take advantage of new revenue streams generated by the federally approved Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL).

The amount awarded by the Kansas Department of Transportation to cities and counties more than doubles and triples local bridge improvement funds available in these programs as part of the existing Eisenhower Legacy Transportation Program (IKE).

The KDOT bridge improvement programs include approximately $137.5 million in BIL funds over the next five years.

The Off-System Bridge Program (OSB) has been expanded from $8 million in annual funding to $20.5 million. Twenty-two projects – with awarded funds ranging from $460,000 to $1.4 million – were selected for Federal Fiscal Year 2024. In total for this round, KDOT received 99 OSB applications requesting $83.8 million.

The Kansas Local Bridge Improvement Program (KLBIP) has increased from $5 million annually to $20 million. For State Fiscal Year 2023, the 11 selected KLBIP projects will replace 10 deficient bridges and permanently remove seven deficient bridges from the local system. For this round of KLBIP selections, 114 applications were received with requests totaling more than $126 million.

Both the OSB and KLBIP have similar-yet-different bridge eligibility requirements targeted for city and county bridges not on the state highway system and in need of replacement or repair. Funds for both programs are awarded through an application process and, in most cases, require a local contribution. KDOT uses selection criteria that include bridge condition, detour length, inability to carry legal loads, and past project history.

There are approximately 19,300 bridges on Kansas’ local road systems. About 26% – or 5,000 – of those bridges are in poor condition or unable to meet today’s weight and vehicle requirements.

Click here to view a map of the projects. The list of recipients and project locations for OSB and KLBIP are below.

Kansas – 2024 Off-System Bridge (OSB) Program Projects


 Bridge Location

 Local Cost

Local Cost %

 Total Funds Awarded (covering 100% of construction and CE)

Brown County

1 mile south of Fairview – carrying 220th west of U.S. 75




Pottawatomie County

Armstrong Road over Vermillion Creek – 2 miles north, 1 mile east of Havensville




Wabaunsee County

Fairfield Road over Hendricks Creek – 1 mile north, .2 mile east of Alma




Chase County

Main Street over Cottonwood River – .8 mile west of Cedar Point




Geary County

Old Milford Road – 3 miles north, 1 mile west of Junction City




Jewell County

1.3 miles south, 6 miles west of Mankato




Ottawa County

Laramie Road – west of Minneapolis




Ellis County

370th Avenue over Big Creek – 6 miles south, and 1 mile west of Walker




Osborne County

S 180th Avenue – 1 mile south, .7 mile west of Covert




Phillips County

Kiowa Road – 6.5 miles north, .5 mile west of Agra




Rawlins County

0.8 mile south, 2.2 miles west of Blakeman




Rooks County

2.2 miles south, 2.5 miles east of Plainville




Smith County

2.7 miles south, 7 miles east of Smith Center




Chautauqua County

0.6 mile south, 2 miles east of Cedarvale




Labette County

25000 Road, 4 miles east of Parsons




Montgomery County

1800 Road, 1.5 miles east of Coffeyville




Butler County

SW Prairie Creek Road over Eight Mile Creek – 1 mile east, 1.3 miles north of Rose Hill




Kingman County

 SE 100 Street – 3.2 miles north, .2 mile west of Rago over Rose Bud Creek




Pawnee County

40th Avenue – 7 miles east, 4.5 miles north of Larned




Reno County

Victory Road over Little Arkansas River – .5 mile east, 2 miles south of Buhler




Stafford County

NE 130th Avenue – 7.1 miles north, 13.5 miles east of St. John




Ness County

2 miles north, 4 miles east of Beeler









2023 Kansas Local Bridge Improvement Program Projects

Local Government Agency


Local Cost

Local % Match Requirement

Maximum KDOT Match Funds

Funds for Bridge Removal

Maximum Funds Awarded

Atchison County

 314th Road over Deer Creek – 3.5 miles north of Atchison






Cloud County

 190th Road over Republican River – 1.7 miles north, 4.4 miles east of Concordia






Saline County

 McReynolds Road – 1 mile south, 1.5 miles east of Smolan






Cheyenne County

 10 miles north, 3.5 miles west of St. Francis

 $ –





Gove County

 3.4 miles north, 2.6 miles east of Quinter




 $  –


Greenwood County

 1.6 miles west of Hamilton

 $ –





Neosho County

 2 miles north of Chanute




 $  –


Barber County

 Kingfisher Road – 3.1 miles north, 4.5 miles west of Hardtner




 $  –


Barton County

 East Barton County Road – 2.9 miles east of Great Bend




 $  –


Edwards County

 Q Road and 280th Avenue – 6.2 miles south, 1 mile east of Belpre




 $  –


Hamilton County

 Road B – 1 mile south of Coolidge




 $  –






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