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Mon - Sat 07:00 to 12:00 AM

Star Spangled Salute: Survivor Winner Donates $1 Million Dollar Prize to Veterans

Star Spangled Salute: Survivor Winner Donates $1 Million Dollar Prize to Veterans

Star Spangled Salute: Survivor Winner Donates $1 Million Dollar Prize to Veterans







Today’s Star Spangled Salute honors the newest winner of Survivor, Mike Gabler.  Mike is a heart valve specialist and even while in the competition, he made other castaways and viewers aware of his intentions if he won.  Surely, no one expected him to follow through on it right.  Well, on Wednesday he won, he was the sole survivor and he did.  He donated all $1 million dollars of the prize money to Veterans.  Mike said, “There are people who need that money more and I’m going to donate the entire prize — the entire million dollar prize, in my father’s name, Robert Gabler, who was a Green Beret — to veterans in need who are recovering from psychiatric problems, PTSD, and curb the suicide epidemic.”We’re going to save lives and do something good.  Thank you Mike for your generous act and to your father Robert and all the Veterans who will be helped by your gift, THANK YOU for your service.





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