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KDOT Hosting Public Meeting May 26th for East Kellogg Freeway Project

KDOT Hosting Public Meeting May 26th for East Kellogg Freeway Project

KDOT Hosting Public Meeting May 26th for East Kellogg Freeway Project


The public is invited to attend a public meeting about future improvements to the U.S. 54 corridor on Thursday, May 26, from 4:30-6:30 p.m. at LifeChange Church Wichita, 10225 E Kellogg Drive, in Wichita. The Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) is hosting the meeting.

KDOT is looking at improvements to U.S. 54 in two phases – from the K-96 interchange in east Wichita through 159th Street in Andover, and from east of 159th Street to east of Prairie Creek Road in Andover.

Attendees will have an opportunity to talk with the project team, provide feedback on options being considered and see the project timeline. No formal presentation will be given
at the meeting, and attendees are welcome to come and go at any time during the event.

The Federal Highway Administration, in cooperation with KDOT, is initiating an Environmental Assessment for the project to comply with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). This meeting will serve as a public scoping method during the NEPA process.

For those who are unable to attend, a virtual option will be available online from May 26 – June 9 at eastkellogg.ksdotike.org/.

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