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Jenn West

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Rent Assistance Still Available for Tenants Struggling Because of the Pandemic

Rent Assistance Still Available for Tenants Struggling Because of the Pandemic

Rent Assistance Still Available for Tenants Struggling Because of the Pandemic

Kansas Emergency Rental Assistance (KERA) funding remains available to support Kansans at risk of eviction. KERA provides rent, utility, and internet assistance to households that have experienced a financial hardship during the pandemic.
The KERA program has disbursed more than $125 million in rental, utility, and internet assistance to 17,633 eligible tenant households in Kansas. These funds have prevented 45,674 Kansans from experiencing evictions and utility disconnections and helped make 6,656 landlords whole.
The KERA program supports Kansas tenants and landlords experiencing financial hardship. Recent updates have made the program more inclusive, allowing the state to serve even more Kansans:
  • Households that have experienced financial hardship at any time during the pandemic may now qualify for assistance.
  • Eligible households may receive up to 18 months of assistance, an increase from the previous 15-month maximum.
  • Eligible households may receive a lump sum of $900 in past-due or future internet assistance, an increase from the previous $750 limit.
Previous applicants who have not hit the 18-month maximum are eligible to recertify for additional months of assistance. Tenants and landlords can apply jointly online via the KERA application portal. Tenants must answer pre-screening questions to determine their eligibility before accessing the application. KERA applicants must meet income guidelines and must provide:
  • Proof of identification;
  • A signed lease or equivalent documentation;
  • Documentation or self-attestation of housing instability;
  • Documentation or self-attestation of financial hardship; and
  • Proof or self-attestation of household income.
Once an application has been submitted, households can track their application status and respond to communications by logging into their KERA dashboard. If applicants have additional questions, they can contact KERA customer service by emailing or calling 785-217-2001.
For more information and to apply, visit

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