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Mon - Sat 07:00 to 12:00 AM

Star Spangled Salute: Actor Gary Sinise Continues To Give Back to Veterans

Star Spangled Salute: Actor Gary Sinise Continues To Give Back to Veterans

Star Spangled Salute: Actor Gary Sinise Continues To Give Back to Veterans


The Star Spangled Salute  is presented by




Today’s Star Spangled Salute honors actor Gary Sinise.  Ever since he played Lt. Dan in the movie “Forrest Gump”, Gary Sinise has been a supporter and advocate for Veterans and Veteran related organizations.  This Thanksgiving, Gary has donated funds to provide 78 veterans living on the Lincoln, Nebraska VA campus with a Thanksgiving meal Wednesday.  Victory Park is an apartment complex built on the redeveloped VA campus that houses homeless veterans and provides services to help them get back on their feet. Residents are as young as 22 and as old as 74, all veterans of wars and conflicts spanning decades. While Sinise won’t be in attendance Wednesday, his contribution still means a lot to the residents, said Samantha Garcia, property manager of Victory Park.  Thank you Gary for your continued support and to all the Veterans at Victory Park, THANK YOU for your service.




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