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JJ Hayes

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Gov. Kelly Announces Cybersecurity Task Force Recommendations

Gov. Kelly Announces Cybersecurity Task Force Recommendations

Gov. Kelly Announces Cybersecurity Task Force Recommendations

Governor Kelly announced that the interim report from the Cybersecurity Task Force has been released with an initial set of recommendations.

On July 13th, 2021, Governor Kelly signed Executive Order No. 21-25, establishing the Governor’s Cybersecurity Task Force to protect Kansas’s digital infrastructure. Comprised of bipartisan members from across Kansas in both the public and private sectors, the Task Force has spent the last three months meeting with stakeholders and subject matter experts to collect input for recommendations that will improve the cybersecurity in Kansas.

The Task Force is made up of four subcommittees: Statewide Coordination and Collaboration, Workforce Development and Education, Cyber Incident and Disruption Response, and Strategic Vision and Planning.

The Task Force submitted its interim report to the Governor on October 5th with 45 recommendations for how entities from state and local government, education, the private sector, and other critical infrastructure sectors can address cybersecurity challenges. The recommendations included cybersecurity training, partnerships to support workforce development and cyber response, as well as education.

The Task Force and its subcommittees will continue to convene throughout the fall as they prepare their next report due in early December. The second report will include new recommendations while further developing some of the recommendations included in the interim report.

You can read the full report here. You can also submit any feedback to CyberTaskForce@ks.gov.

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