
On Air

Jenn West

Mon - Fri 10 AM - 3PM

Keeping It Real-Shemar Moore, Disney+ Moves Premieres, Gaming News and Thursday’s “What To Watch” | JJ Hayes | KFDI

Keeping It Real-Shemar Moore, Disney+ Moves Premieres, Gaming News and Thursday’s “What To Watch” | JJ Hayes | KFDI

Keeping It Real-Shemar Moore, Disney+ Moves Premieres, Gaming News and Thursday’s “What To Watch” | JJ Hayes | KFDI




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As a kid, I loved Tuesday, that’s when the new comic books hit the newsstand. Now, as adults, we have been trained to look forward to Friday’s for movie release. That, then creeped into Thursday nights and now Disney+ is moving their premieres to Wednesday. That and so much more in today’s, Keeping It Real.




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