Senators Moran and Kaine push to share vaccine doses overseas

Senators Moran and Kaine push to share vaccine doses overseas

Senators Moran and Kaine push to share vaccine doses overseas

Kansas Senator, Jerry Moran, is backing an effort to send excess COVID vaccine doses to countries in need.

The effort is also backed by Senator Tim Kaine, from Virginia. Both men introduced and amendment o the Endless Frontier Act that would urge the U.S. Department of State, in coordination with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, to share excess COVID-19 vaccines with countries in need.

“Ending the global pandemic as quickly as possible should be a top priority for the United States,” said Sen. Moran. “With millions of excess vaccines still available, it is vital that we save lives by providing the COVID-19 vaccine to countries suffering from this virus. America cannot afford to stand by as the pandemic continues while other countries, like China and Russia, gain influence by sharing their vaccines. Distributing excess vaccines will prevent new strains from forming, save American lives, open up the global economy and enhance America’s international standing.”

“As we focus on getting more and more Americans vaccinated, we must also help other countries tackle this virus by sharing excess COVID-19 vaccines with nations in need,” said Sen. Kaine. “Not only is it the right thing to do; it’s also necessary if we want to reduce the spread of COVID-19 worldwide.”

Data from the CDC say the U.S. has purchased double the vaccine doses needed to cover the whole county’s population. About 157-million Americans have had at least one dose of COVID vaccine so far, putting the country’s vaccination rate at more that 47%.

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