
On Air

Bobby Knight

Mon - Fri 03:00 PM to 08:00 PM

Rabid Bobcat Attack Caught On Security Cam and it’s CRAZY!! | JJ Hayes | KFDI

Rabid Bobcat Attack Caught On Security Cam and it’s CRAZY!! | JJ Hayes | KFDI

Rabid Bobcat Attack Caught On Security Cam and it’s CRAZY!! | JJ Hayes | KFDI

















This is some of the craziest video you will see today.  This Suburban Husband proves that not all heroes wear capes.  He didn’t even hesitate to protect his wife, he sprang into action, grabbed the animal and saved his wife.  Putting himself in harms way.  Turns out after further investigation, the bobcat had rabies which explains the crazy, aggressive behavior.



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