Electoral College confirms Joe Biden’s win in the Presidential election

Electoral College confirms Joe Biden’s win in the Presidential election

Electoral College confirms Joe Biden’s win in the Presidential election

By the Associated Press:

The Electoral College has formally validated Joe Biden’s victory in the 2020 presidential election.

Biden cleared the 270-vote threshold on Monday after California’s electors cast their votes for the Democrat. When all of the states finish voting, Biden is expected to lead President Donald Trump 306-232.

The Electoral College vote is normally a procedural step in the presidential election, but its importance is heightened this year because Trump is refusing to concede his loss. He and his allies have filed roughly 50 lawsuits, and most have been dropped or dismissed by judges, including twice by the U.S. Supreme Court.

The Electoral College results will be sent to Washington and tallied in a Jan. 6 joint session of Congress over which Vice President Mike Pence will preside.

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