
On Air

Roxanne Stuart

Saturdays 10-2, Sundays 2-7 and Fill In

Dr. Molly Allen Helps You Feel Not So Alone During Social Distancing

Dr. Molly Allen Helps You Feel Not So Alone During Social Distancing

Dr. Molly Allen Helps You Feel Not So Alone During Social Distancing

No arguing that “Social Distancing” has really been destructive and disruptive.  The loss of life, the sick, the overworked and overwhelmed first responders and medical professionals.  You are trying to do your part by staying home to help “flatten the curve”.  This is harder for some than others.  If you enjoy solitude, it’s no problem, but if you are a very social person, this can be incredibly hard.  You need to find your “Happy Place”



I talked with Dr. Molly Allen of River Park Psychology Consultants about the effect all of this alone time can have on you and how to better deal with it.   LISTEN TO OUR CONVERSATION.





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