Kansas Democrats to conduct Primary by mail due to outbreak

Kansas Democrats to conduct Primary by mail due to outbreak

Kansas Democrats to conduct Primary by mail due to outbreak

Due to the on-going Covid-19 outbreak crisis, Kansas Democrats will conduct their May 2 Primary by mail only.

Party officials say some of the in-person voting locations they had secured have backed out due to concerns over the spread of the coronavirus.

Vicki Hiatt, Chair of the Kansas Democratic Party released the following statement:

“Removing our in-person voting locations for the 2020 Primary was an extremely difficult decision to make but the unprecedented gravity of COVID-19 has required significant changes to our operations to ensure the safety of all Kansans during this electoral process. The KDP maintains its commitment to a fair and transparent election and I want to assure all concerned Kansans that we are doing everything possible to make sure their voices are heard in the 2020 Primary. Kansas was already well-positioned for this pandemic due to our vote-by-mail component and we are confident that the changes we have made to our schedule will expand the accessibility of this process for all voters who would like to participate in the 2020 Primary election.”

The ballots will start going out today for all registered Democrats and contain a secrecy sleeve and an addressed envelope.  The postage has already been paid for by the party.

On April 7, a supplemental ballot will go out to recently registered Democrats who were not included in today’s mailing.  If you do not receive a ballot by April 10, you have until April 22 to contact the Kansas Democratic Party by phone at (785) 234-0425 or fill out a form by clicking here after April 10.

The ballot must be received by May 2.

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