Star Spangled Salute: A Veteran Helping Veterans

Star Spangled Salute: A Veteran Helping Veterans

Star Spangled Salute: A Veteran Helping Veterans

Today’s Star Spangled Salute honors Navy veteran turned entrepreneur Todd Connor.  Todd is doing his part to help the nearly 200,000 active duty who become veterans every year when they enter civilian life. When asked to describe what its like leaving the military, Todd explains it like this:  Imagine you are a successful lawyer in Seattle, and then your career ends on a Friday. By Monday you’re living in San Antonio and can have any career you want, except being a lawyer. Figure it out.  The upside is that Todd believes veterans have a unique skill set that makes them natural entrepreneurs, so he started a program called Bunker Labs to help.  Since the launch of his program, veteran startups have raised more than $80 million in capital and created more than 1,900 jobs, according to its most recent annual report.  Thank you Todd for your efforts and your service.

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