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Wichita robbery suspect shot and killed in Oklahoma

Wichita robbery suspect shot and killed in Oklahoma

Wichita robbery suspect shot and killed in Oklahoma

A man who robbed a Wichita convenience store has been shot and killed after a confrontation with law enforcement in Oklahoma.

The Oklahoma State Bureau of investigation said it began Sunday evening in Wichita when 39-year-old Shane Adair Wentling tried to purchase beer from a Quik Trip at 1623 East 47th Street South in Wichita.  The clerk refused to sell it to him, and Wentling reportedly pulled out a gun, demanded the beer and left a $20 bill on the counter before leaving the store.

Later, Wentling reportedly shot at another vehicle near 31st Street South and Oliver.  At some point, Wentling made his way into Oklahoma on I-35 where he reportedly pointed his gun at another driver.

Law enforcement in Oklahoma received a Be On The Lookout notice from Wichita Police and were also notified of Wentling pointing a gun at a driver in Oklahoma.  Around midnight this morning, Police in Perry, Oklahoma spotted Wentling’s vehicle and a pursuit began involving Perry Police and the Noble County Sheriff’s Office.

A tactical maneuver was used to stop Wentling’s car.  Wentling was shot by police when he reportedly pointed his gun at officers.

He died at the scene.  The OSBI is investigating the shooting.

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