“Desperate Man” is Eric’s first NEW music in three years.
Watch the video below as THE Eric Church speaks directly to me! I guess he is really talking to all of us… I just like to think the message is just for me because I’m a HUGE fan.
He says, “It’s been a while; I just want to say I have missed you. I have good news…the album is done, and we are back. It’s called Desperate Man and the first single is called ‘Desperate Man,’” with the Choir having access to listen first”
Eric keeps going, “Just like last time – just like Mr. Misunderstood – if you’re in the Church Choir, on October 5th you’re going to get the album.”
“Desperate Man,” is Eric’s first single from a new album which you will hear on KFDI as soon as it is delivered! Probably a bunch more on my show.
Eric ends his video by telling me, “I look forward to seeing you on the road… I’m very proud of this album. See you soon.” Thanks Eric! I can’t wait.
Eric’s new album, Desperate Man, is set for release on October 5th. Church Choir can hear the first title track by logging in at EricChurch.comChurch Choir Membership includes the album.