
On Air

Dana Lundon

Mon - FrI 10 AM - 3PM

JJ’s Star Spangled Salute: A Veteran Climbs Mountains to Move Mountains

JJ’s Star Spangled Salute: A Veteran Climbs Mountains to Move Mountains

JJ’s Star Spangled Salute: A Veteran Climbs Mountains to Move Mountains




Today we salute Marine Veteran Nathan Schmidt and Navy SEAL and Paralympian Dan Cnossen.   Nathan founded The Mountain Seed Foundation, an organization that takes widows of the war in Ukraine and their children mountain climbing in Austria as a way to help them heal and build their inner strength and resiliency.  Dan, lost both his legs in Afghanistan and volunteers for Nathan. Of the program, Dan says, “It’s really meaningful to give them hope that you can push through challenges, and you can find yourself on the other side a stronger person.” Thank you Nathan and Dan for inspiring and THANK YOU for your service.




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